Silver, gold, food, weed, cigs, clothes, armor, weapons, and tools.
Why stress about buying things when I can get assets. I can always just go to a pawn shop if I feel like I want cash. Or pick up screws and other scrap metal. Cleaning up the community. Then take it to a scrapper for pocket change.
I'm back to the old me again... At least I'm not back on hard drugs.
I need to finish my snare so I don't have to kill or grievously harm the next home intruder. I was hoping this one had gold teeth. When I knocked out his grill.
Now I can see why I was hired.
Geez is this guy an actual cartel boss or something?
Today's song recommendation.
I chose violence by Iamjakehill
(Slowed and reverb edit) (anti-nightcore)