Being blue balled by clientele in slutty outfits is great. Not joking, I'm fine with servicing.
Good noose is that I won't have to go postal. My last job finally gave me the $1000+ they owed me. So I was able to eat at last. Getting some other cool stuff besides pen tips.
A fire pit for warmth and heating water
Chainmail armor and a metal helm.
Something that makes knives safe to grab
Pest proof bed
A six shot repeating pistol crossbow for when I'm hungry for roasted Rabbit.
Private Bathroom
Shit pot
Non electric washing machine.
And a nice roof over all of it
Some candles, lanterns, shelves, and storage totes too of course.
Once that's all here imma draw this national socialist bull dyke doing some sinful things.
Till then brothers and sisters.
Be blessed.